
Astroで擬似ドキュメントサイトを作っていく。 ドキュメントサイトには階層構造を示したサイドバーと、現在のページの位置がわかるBreadcrumbがつきものだがややこしいところなので、簡易的に作成したものを示す。




  • slugはurlの構成要素(/manual/function_b/component_1/detail等)
  • textはサイドバーやBreadcrumbに載せる文字(マニュアル / 機能B / 要素1 / 詳細
    • 「詳細」はtext要素として存在しないが、実際のページのtitleをとってくることにしてyamlには書かない
- slug: tutorial
  text: チュートリアル
    - slug: index.html
    - slug: feature_a
      text: 特徴A
        - slug: overview
        - slug: step1
    - slug: note
- slug: manual
  text: マニュアル
    - slug: index.html
    - slug: function_b
      text: 機能B
        - slug: index.html
        - slug: component_1
          text: 要素1
            - slug: index.html
            - slug: detail




import { getCollection } from 'astro:content';

export type TreeNode = {
  [key: string]: TreeNodeValue | string;

export type TreeNodeValue = {
  path: string;
  text?: string;
  children?: TreeNode;

export type NavItem = {
    slug: string;
    text?: string;
    items?: NavItem[];

export async function convertToTree(data: NavItem[]): Promise<TreeNode> {
  const tree: TreeNode = {};
  const entries = await getCollection('posts');

  function findTitleForPath(path: string): string | undefined {
    const modifiedPath = path.startsWith('/') ? path.slice(1) : path;  // 最初の'/'を削除
    let entry = entries.find(e => e.slug.endsWith(modifiedPath));
    // 末尾がindex.htmlの場合のマッチングを試みる
    if (!entry && modifiedPath.endsWith('/index.html')) {
      const shortenedPath = modifiedPath.replace(/\/[^\/]+$/, '');  // 最後の"/"以下を削除
      entry = entries.find(e => e.slug.endsWith(shortenedPath));
  return entry ? : undefined;

  function recurse(items: NavItem[], currentLevel: TreeNode, path: string = '') {
    items.forEach(item => {
      const newPath = `${path}/${item.slug}`;
      if (item.items) {
        if (!currentLevel[item.slug]) {
          currentLevel[item.slug] = {
            path: newPath,
            text: item.text,
            children: {}
        recurse(item.items, currentLevel[item.slug].children as TreeNode, newPath);
      } else {
        const title = findTitleForPath(newPath);
        currentLevel[item.slug] = {
          path: newPath,
          text: title || item.text

  recurse(data, tree);
  return tree;



  • 再帰的なコンポーネントの利用にはAstro.selfを使っている
import type { TreeNode, TreeNodeValue } from "../utils";

const node: TreeNode = Astro.props.node;
const basePath: string = Astro.props.basePath || '';

{Object.entries(node).map(([key, value]) => {
  const isTreeNodeValue = (val: string | TreeNodeValue): val is TreeNodeValue => typeof val !== 'string';
  let newPath: string;
  let displayText: string;
  let children: TreeNode | undefined;

  if (isTreeNodeValue(value)) {
    newPath = value.path;
    displayText = value.text || key;
    children = value.children;
  } else {
    newPath = value;
    displayText = key;

  if (typeof children === 'object') {
    return (
        <details open>
          <summary class="flex items-center cursor-pointer">
            <span class="ml-4">
              <svg class="w-4 h-4" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="">
                <path d="M9 5l7 7-7 7"></path>
            <Astro.self node={children} basePath={newPath} />
  } else {
    return (
        <a href={newPath}>{displayText}</a>

  li {
    list-style: none;

  details > summary {
    list-style: none;
    font-weight: bold;

  details > summary::marker,
  details > summary::-webkit-details-marker {
    display: none;

  summary {
    cursor: pointer;

  details[open] > summary svg {
    transform: rotate(90deg);

  details > summary {
      padding-inline-start: 0px;

  details > ul {
      padding-inline-start: 10px;

  details details > summary {
      padding-inline-start: 0px;
  details details > ul {
    padding-inline-start: 10px;

  details details details > summary {
      padding-inline-start: 0px;
  details details details > ul {
    padding-inline-start: 10px;


import RecursiveTree from "./RecursiveTree.astro";

const tree = Astro.props.tree;
    <RecursiveTree node={tree} basePath="" />



export type BreadcrumbItem = {
  text: string;
  url: string;

export function generateBreadcrumb(url: string, tree: TreeNode): BreadcrumbItem[] {
  const parts = url.split('/').filter(p => p);
  let breadcrumbParts: BreadcrumbItem[] = [];
  let currentLevel: TreeNode | undefined = tree;
  let currentPath = "";

  for (const part of parts) {
    currentPath += `/${part}`;
    const node: string | TreeNodeValue | undefined = currentLevel && currentLevel[part];
    if (isTreeNodeValue(node) && node.text) {
      let linkUrl = currentPath;

      // Check for an "index.html" child and update the URL if found
      if (node.children && node.children["index.html"]) {
        linkUrl += "/index.html";

        text: node.text,
        url: linkUrl

      currentLevel = node.children;
    } else {
      currentLevel = undefined;
    text: 'HOME',
    url: '/'

  return breadcrumbParts;


import type { BreadcrumbItem } from "../utils";
const breadcrumbParts: BreadcrumbItem[] = Astro.props.breadcrumbParts;

<div class="breadcrumb">
  {, index) => (
      {index > 0 && " / "}
      {item.url.endsWith('/index.html') || item.text === 'HOME' ? (
        <a href={item.url}>{item.text}</a>
      ) : (



  • yamlを読み込んでTreeを生成
  • TreeからBreadcrumbの要素を生成
  • Treeを<LeftSideBar />のpropsとして渡す
  • Breadcrumbの要素を<Breadcrumb />のpropsとして渡す
import { getCollection } from 'astro:content';

import fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import yaml from 'js-yaml';
import type { NavItem, BreadcrumbItem } from "../utils";
import { convertToTree, generateBreadcrumb } from "../utils";

import BaseLayout from '../layouts/BaseLayout.astro';
import LeftSideBar from "../components/LeftSideBar.astro";
import Breadcrumb from '../components/Breadcrumb.astro';

export async function getStaticPaths() {
  const entries = await getCollection('posts');
  return => ({
    params: { slug: entry.slug }, props: { entry },

const { entry } = Astro.props;
const { Content } = await entry.render();

function loadYAML(filepath: string): NavItem[] {
  const fileContents = fs.readFileSync(filepath, 'utf-8');
  return yaml.load(fileContents) as NavItem[];
const yamlPath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'src', 'path_names.yaml')
const dataObj: NavItem[] = loadYAML(yamlPath);
const tree = await convertToTree(dataObj);
const breadcrumbParts: BreadcrumbItem[] = generateBreadcrumb(entry.slug, tree);
<BaseLayout frontmatter={}>
  <div class="grid grid-cols-12">
    <div class="col-start-0 col-span-3 mt-16">
      <LeftSideBar tree={tree}/>
    <article class="mt-16 col-start-4 col-end-11 max-w-none">
      <Breadcrumb breadcrumbParts={breadcrumbParts} />
      <Content />  
